A Perfect Caress Page 6
He missed her touch when she let go and picked up a plate.
She perused the dessert table. “Since it’s Sunday and the calories of all foods are half off, I’ll go with a waffle slathered with chocolate ice cream and caramel syrup.”
He laughed as he moved to the opposite end of the table, appreciating her sense of humor. “Would you like a cup of coffee with it?”
“No, thanks.”
They assembled their goodies and went back to the table. Dante added sugar and milk to the coffee. “We’re going to skip over all the general getting-to-know-you stuff and hit the good points. Since I want to impress you, I’ll start. I can speak two languages fluently.”
She looked up to see him holding up his middle and index finger. “Oh, really? I presume one is English.”
“Yes. And the other is Italian.”
She arched a brow.
“Are you impressed?”
She slathered a piece of waffle with ice cream and placed it in her mouth. “Am I supposed to be?”
“I would be if I didn’t speak six languages.”
She tucked a piece of her hair back behind her ear as if she hadn’t meant to make the revelation. “I’d only speak them better if I were born in the country.”
“If you don’t speak Italian, then none of them count.”
“Is that so?”
He slid the side of his fork into his cake and took a bite, enjoying its moist texture. “Since that conversation may lead to an argument, I’ll provide you with another fun fact about me. I’m a fabulous lover.”
The water she’d been drinking came spewing out of her mouth. Good thing she’d turned to the side before doing so; otherwise, he would’ve gotten another shower for the day.
Dante couldn’t hold back his laughter. “It’s true. If you want, I can demonstrate.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Wiping her mouth one last time, she said, “I’ve been bungee jumping.”
Clever way to change the subject and pique his interest. “Was it on a dare?”
“I was the one who dared my friend to do it. She chickened out at the last moment.”
“Interesting to know you were a risk taker in your younger years.”
An unexpected grunt came from her. “Only if you consider last year the days of my youth.”
Getting to know her would be fun. “I’m sure my whitewater rafting adventures in a level-five rapid would impress you.”
“I am.” She lay down her fork and rested her elbows on the table. “But how about jumping into the water from a moving helicopter?”
“Good one, but it can’t top the most exhausting adventure I’ve ever had in my whole life.”
Her adorable brows creased together. “And what was that?”
“Taking a trip to Disney World with all my nieces and nephews. You haven’t experienced anything until you’ve run around The Greatest Place on Earth after jacking them up with sugar you had no idea you weren’t supposed to give them. No experience could be crazier.”
Lanelle’s laughter pleased him. “I concede. You win.”
And from that moment onward the conversation flowed, each trying to outdo the other with their experiences. Dante had never had such a fabulous first date, and he didn’t want it to end.
Chapter 8
This had to be the best date Lanelle had ever been on. Dante cracked her up throughout their dessert with his willingness to share embarrassing stories about himself and his family.
There were some points when his eyes became intense, as if attempting to convey his desire to be alone with her. To finish the kiss she’d refused to share.
Stop projecting. Admit you want him to hold you against his hard body and kiss you. Be bold enough to go for what you want. It doesn’t mean you’ll marry him. You don’t even have to fall in love—just enjoy what he has to offer.
More food and drink didn’t appeal to her, but extending their time did. “I’m going for some tea. Would you like anything?”
A flash of mischief in his eyes told her his answer would be one of the shocking variety, but when he requested a second cup of coffee, she was disappointed he’d held back. She needed something to dislike about him so she could stop enjoying his company.
The heat of his eyes on her retreating back, most likely even lower, changed her gait. No one would consider her walk sexy, but she added a bit of swing to her hips as an enticement. Then she mentally slapped herself. Did she want to drive him away or keep him?
He met her halfway on her return trip to the table and took the saucers.
Not for the first time, Lanelle admired his gallant behavior. “Vanessa tells me you’re taking her, the family and one of her friends on a trip to Italy for her twenty-first birthday.”
A smile appeared at the mention of his niece. “She’s been bugging me to go for years, and I tend to spoil my nieces and nephews.”
She opened a packet of sugar and poured it in, along with a dash of milk. “I figured. I just hope no one vomits on this trip.”
“With her seven-year-old brother, Ryan, joining us, there are no guarantees.”
She took a tentative sip of the hot beverage before asking, “What made you choose Italy?”
“The choice was hers. She could’ve had anything she wanted. Within reason, of course.”
“I can see why you added the stipulation.”
He tapped his temple. “My parents didn’t raise no fool.”
Lanelle considered asking how successful he was at his job to be able to afford such an extravagant trip for six people. “She whined about only being able to invite a female friend because you barred any males from going. You know her best friend is a guy, right?”
A gleam entered his eyes. “Have you ever been to Italy?”
His clean-cut good looks were overwhelming. Lanelle picked up her cup at the sudden dryness of her throat. Afraid of what her voice would sound like, she shook her head.
“If she took a guy she even remotely likes as a guest, I promise they’ll be head over heels in love midtrip.”
Lanelle rested her chin on her hands. “Really? How do you know?”
“It’s the most romantic country in the world,” Dante answered as if it were the only possible response.
Unable to believe what the man had spouted, Lanelle shifted a little closer to see if he was serious. “I’ve traveled to countries with male friends while I was in college and nothing happened except enjoying the sights. France, Britain, Greece, Austria, Peru.”
A muscle twitched in his jaw. “If you had gone to Italy, we wouldn’t be having this discussion because you would’ve experienced it for yourself.”
Her gut clenched. “Have you ever fallen in love with someone you’ve taken to Italy?”
Dante’s dark eyes locked with hers for the longest moment. “I only go there for business. I’ve never taken anyone other than my executive staff with me before. And they were males.”
“Oh.” Lanelle let out a breath, slumping into the chair as if all the stress in the world had left her body. Why had his answer mattered so much?
The atmosphere shifted toward uncomfortable, and Lanelle took a huge sip of her tea. Time to end whatever they’d started. Gathering the strength to conclude the date, she halted her words when Dante spoke. “When was the last time you went to a fair?”
Lanelle blinked in rapid succession. “It’s been at least twenty years.”
He raised his hand to signal for their check. “Good. Then you should enjoy our little adventure this afternoon. Today is their last day. I was going to take Ryan and Vanessa, but my sister did yesterday. Ryan is still resting from all the fun and food he ate.” He rubbed his hands toget
her and grinned. “So are you up for the most excitement you’ll have all day?”
Telling him how much interest she’d made on one of her financial portfolios this morning wouldn’t endear her to him on the fun meter, so she countered with, “What if I have plans?”
“You can break them.”
Cocky man. “What makes you think that’s possible?”
He cocked his head. “You don’t seem like you have a lot of fun on a daily basis. I’d like to balance that out a little.” Then he winked. “And because you get to stay with me for a little longer. The way you’ve been wiping away your tears of mirth, I think I’m good for you to hang around.” She admired his straightforwardness. No need to wonder where she stood with him, and she liked it. Too much. But she didn’t want their time together to end so she said, “Let’s go to the fair.”
* * *
Burning rubber on a two-wheeled U-turn in his Suburban sounded better to Dante than taking Lanelle back to her car after the great time they’d had at the fair. To the best of his knowledge, kidnapping, even it if was merely to spend more time with her, was illegal in Ohio. And, oh, yes, the world.
His restraint when it came to touching her had been phenomenal, but he’d been no saint. With every incidental opening she’d given him, he dived in. On the Ferris wheel, he’d opened his legs wide so their knees touched. Things had gotten a little cheesy when he’d stood with his arms wrapped around her to help her aim at the water-pistol game. He’d sat in the perfect spot of all the spinning rides so she’d be glued to his side. They’d gone on each of those twice.
I need to see her again.
Lanelle’s perpetual smile on the way back to the restaurant made him even happier he’d pushed to stay with her. “You mentioned flooring and doing work at the hospital,” she said. “Who do you work for?”
Puffing out his chest, he would’ve strutted if they’d been outside. “Myself. I own the company.” Why not boast a little? “The project my company will be working on is huge. A brand-new three-story neonatal wing. It’s a big deal because it’s different from anything I’ve worked on before.”
She turned to him with her mouth agape. “What’s the name of your business?”
“Calvano Flooring.”
Dante spared her a glance when she responded with a gasp as her hand slapped her chest. She opened her mouth several times before she stuttered, “Cal... Cal... Calvano?”
“Yes. I maintained the name when the man I took over the business from died. Is something wrong, Lanelle? You don’t seem to be breathing.”
* * *
Never in a million years would she have suspected Dante’s involvement with her passion project. The name of his company is Italian, for goodness’ sake.
The procurement committee that had acquired the bids included three board members and four hospital staff. Ever since she’d found out money had been siphoned from the project, she regretted having had to decline being on the committee because she’d been too busy helping her father. Lanelle found out who won the bids only after the fact and had been shocked when Toshia’s husband’s company hadn’t been chosen to do the construction. His work had the reputation of being top quality, efficient and moderate with the pricing.
Marble. Italian marble. Dante and Brad had discussed it at the fund-raiser. Even her father had mentioned doing business with Calvano Flooring when he’d built a hotel in Boston. Her dad had gone on about how he admired the perfection of their materials and work, claiming he’d definitely use them again, which he had. Twice more.
She pulled her wits about her enough to notice the stillness of the car. “Why have we stopped?”
“Because you scared me. I had to make sure you were all right.”
Rubbing her forehead didn’t help clear the disbelief. “I’m fine.”
“Do you need some water? Or sugar?”
“Sugar?” Her confusion compounded until understanding dawned. “No. I’m not a diabetic. Let’s just go.”
He watched her for a few moments.
“Really, I’m okay.” Make something up. “Brad must’ve mentioned the name of the company. I was surprised to hear you associated with it.”
He narrowed his eyes as if trying to see into her mind. Lanelle didn’t give in to the need to fidget with her hands.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Lanelle nodded. Seemingly satisfied, Dante put the car in gear and pulled onto the road.
She let her shoulders relax as her mind processed the news. She knew next to nothing about him, but she couldn’t deny that she liked him. He was successful in his own right, so if he found out she was an Astacio he wouldn’t cling to her for her status or money. Or would he?
What if he and his company were involved in stealing the hospital’s money? Her heart clenched at the thought of having to take down this wonderful man’s reputation if he had anything to do with it. She didn’t think he did, but she’d been wrong about so many other things about her project. She needed to acquire more intel. Who better to get it from than him? It has nothing to do with liking him and wanting to press my body against his.
With less than five minutes until they reached Peaches ’n’ Cream so Lanelle could pick up her car, she didn’t have much time to interrogate him. Biting the inside of her cheek, she contemplated asking him out or letting the whole thing go.
“I have some questions about your flooring business.” I’d also like to see what this attraction pulsing between us is all about. A deep inhale buoyed her courage. “Do you think we could get together again sometime?”
“Sure,” he said, as if women asked him out on an hourly basis. “I know tomorrow is Monday, but would you like to go out to dinner?”
Time to regain control. “Do you know Chalamar’s?”
“On Central Avenue? Yes.”
“Let’s meet there at six. I’ll make a reservation.”
“Or I could pick you up at your house. And drive us over.”
Lanelle shook her head. If he knew where she lived, he’d have more access to her. She had to keep him at a distance. “Why, when we can drive separate cars?” She held back a wince at the lack of logic. People attempting to protect the environment would flog her for it, but she wouldn’t relent.
When he pulled up next to her car in the parking lot of the restaurant, a sudden sadness filled her. “I had a great time today. Thanks.”
“Me, too.”
Opening the door, Lanelle reminded Dante, “Tomorrow. Six. At the restaurant.” Before he had the chance to respond, she closed the door and rushed to her car.
He rolled down his window. “That will be the last time we meet anywhere. Next time I’ll pick you up.”
His parting comment set her heart racing. She found it endearing when a man thought his strength of will exceeded hers. She’d fight their attraction like Oscar De La Hoya in round one, but deep down she hoped to lose.
Chapter 9
A full house on a Monday evening at Chalamar’s boasted of the restaurant’s popularity. But everything disappeared for Lanelle except for the sight of Dante’s glorious profile as the hostess led her forward.
Struggling to swallow, she gave what she hoped to be a friendly smile. When he stood and pulled out her chair, she caught a whiff of his spicy cologne. Even his scent was unique and enticing. Would he taste anything like he smelled, maybe with a hint of orange?
This is a fact-finding mission. Calm your hormones and stay focused. And yet she couldn’t stop grinning.
She’d checked in with the forensic accountant this afternoon. He’d found a few discrepancies in the accounts she and her accountant had combed through but hadn’t come up with anything definite. Now that Dante’s company had won the bid, she hoped she could gain some insight from a contractor’s angle.
; The excuse made her feel better about wanting to be with him. How far could a relationship between them get? The way he spoke about his nieces and nephews, he probably wanted children of his own one day—something she couldn’t provide.
She’d enjoy this last meal with him while attempting to do some sleuthing and then say goodbye to anything personal that could’ve blossomed, only to end in heartbreak.
“I wanted to kiss you on the cheek—” Dante rubbed his chin “—but I feared it would end with me in the hospital.”
Feeling playful, Lanelle winked. “If you’re man enough, you may have to try so you can find out.”
“Did you issue a challenge to my masculinity?”
A hand to her chest gave her the dramatic flair she sought to convey. “Never.” The air became electric as he stood and came around the table. The lingering brush of his lips on her cheek made her body burn. To stop herself from turning her head to meet his mouth with hers, she stiffened her muscles, even the ones she’d once thought she had no control over.
“I like that I get to walk away without a limp,” Dante said once he’d settled in his seat.
Anything flirtatious she would’ve said before the kiss had flittered away. Picking up the menu, Lanelle attempted to refocus her vision.
The waitress appeared a few seconds later, sparing her from having to speak to Dante. “I’ll have a frozen margarita, please.”
“Sugar or salt on the rim?”
She lifted her gaze to Dante’s full lips, wondering how they’d taste. “Sugar,” she breathed, then cleared her throat. “I’m ready to order. I’ll have the mushroom steak, medium rare, with a side of the house special mashed potatoes and the fresh vegetable medley.”
The waiter veered toward Dante.
“A margarita sounds good. Only leave out everything but the tequila. Bring me the same meal as the lady.”
“I’ll be right back with your drinks.”
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for a meat-and-potatoes girl.”
The comment interested her. “Really? And what did you think I’d order?”